FlightSource - Aviation Photo Database


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is  

How does Flightsource work?  

Is there a limit to the files size I can upload?    

I tried to watch a video but the screen was black?




What is is a place where aviation enthusiasts can post and share their favorite aircraft photos and videos. Our guests are also able to download, rate and comment on all of the photos in our collection.

We also offer news headline feeds and live ATC.


How does Flightsource work?

Simply register for a user name and password and you can upload your favorite aircraft photos and videos free of charge. Registration is free and also allows guests to comment on all of the photos in our collection


Is there a limit to the files size I can upload?  

Yes and no. If you upload your file through the upload form, then the maximum file size is 8 mb. If your file is larger than 8 mb, please contact us and we will upload your file for you.


I tried to watch a video but the screen was black?

Depending on the size of the video file, it can sometimes take a few moments to load. While it loads, the screen will be black. The videos in our collection are truly amazing and are well worth the wait.

